Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Hi Prinha

A blind person asked Swami Vivekanand:" Can there be anything worse than losing eye sight?"

He replied: " Yes, losing your VISION"
Its so important to have vision. You may not be open about it. You may not discuss it with your fellow beings, but having a vision in all you do is very important. Its that propelling force which makes your journey to your target easy. There are so many directions i am traveling in, not really knowing which path to follow, and where it will all lead me. I try the path which looks the best. In fact i try each and every path that comes in my way, careful not to miss the one meant for me. Its really very important to have vision in life- Can we Together work on that?

1 comment:

ybr (alias ybrao a donkey) said...

Your blog appears neat and decent. About Vivekananda: His vision was blurred both physically, emotionally, philosophically, and practically. His last days were very gloomy. You may like to see some hard work of search and analysis done by me. I am aware that it will be unpopular and cannot convince people. www.vivekanandayb.blogspot.com.
I hardened by experience and became a skeptic (56 yrs. age). You seem to me a youth who is yet to see the ways of this world which is hypocritical. If I am wrong, pl. excuse me.